Skada sports segmented fights and detailed views, while being highly efficient with memory. This is accomplished by aggregating data on fight segments.
Skada is entirely modular. The built-in modes can all be toggled on/off.
- Automatic mode switching when entering combat. For example, you
can have Threat mode be shown in combat. Skada can switch back after
combat ends.
- Specific fight segments can be kept indefinately.
- Multiple windows. Each window can be configured fully.
- Threat mode can warn on high threat.
- Modes: Damage done, DPS, Threat, Enemy damage done, Enemy
damage taken, Healing, Overhealing, Total healing, Absorbs estimated,
Damage taken, Dispels, Mana regen, Debuff uptimes, and more.
- Reports can be done everywhere. For example, you can report a certain player's Debuff uptimes.
- Summary information for most modes (DPS, HPS, Fails, etc) in a LDB view/minimap button.
- LDB data feed can show personal/raid DPS or personal threat.
- Support for SharedMedia and Class Colors.